
The pretty good books of Susan Larson

By Jingo, It Works!

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I did the Kindle Freebie campaign, and I had a vision of the future.  I mean, it worked.  I had almost 4,000 hits, and sold fifty books.  OK, that doesn’t make my book  “Fifty Shades of Gray,” but for a small-press author on her first go, it’s not chopped liver either!  I have buddies who mock at small presses, and scoff at reading on a device instead of a real book (“The whole tactile experience! turning the pages! Making margin notes! Irreplaceable!”) I say, as a person with allergies to dust and mold, and a love of reading my iPad under the covers, and who likes to take ten books on vacation with her the hardcopy book is in for some serious competition.

So I am pretty content, and am gearing up to do another Freebie campaign when Kindle allows me to. Thanks to all the sites that allowed me to list the book either at a reasonable cost or gratis. A brave new world of  low-priced, tree-saving e-books, e-publicity that does not involve hardcopy or agents, could be a happy place for writers in the near future. I’m glad I have begun to explore it.



Author: susanauthor

Retired musician, author, painter, gardener. Sang opera, concerts, recitals, musicals and cabaret. Two novels available on Amazon, another in the pipeline.

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