
The pretty good books of Susan Larson


She writes books


Born in the New York Metro area, degrees from Indiana University and New England Conservatory, where I trained for a singing career.  Had a very rich (in the emotional sense anyhow) musical life singing opera (Mozart and Handel my favorites), chamber music and lots and lots of Bach. Also taught singing at various academic institutions and privately. Retired a bit too early from the concert/opera stage for my liking but I fell victim to a  neurological injury in one vocal cord and my nice loud voice disappeared.

I took up free-lance journalism, writing reviews and articles for the Boston Globe, Opera News and other places.  I was always a reader, always a lover of animals wild and domestic.  I had beloved pets including several cats, birds, fish, dogs and the immortal horse Sam, until I developed allergies to them and just about everything else, which is really annoying.

During these various career careenings, I got married and stayed married to my beloved husband Jim, who works steady as a distinguished professor and research scientist.  I helped him raise his two daughters and now we help them raise our spectacular grandchildren who are naturally the cutest, smartest and most accomplished beings ever to drip ice cream on a leather couch.

I have decided to publish the books I have worked on, off and on, and off, (and on)  over the past years, because publishing one’s book is now so easy. Getting people to read one’s book is, however, another kettle of fish; but I live in the hope that millions of people will eventually buy and read them.  I now teach English, volunteer for political candidates I like,  garden, study easel painting, hang out with the g’kids, and have just completed a sendout draft of the operatic murder mystery which is going to make me rich & famous.

I have lived in the Boston area for almost forty-seven years, and have switched loyalties from the Yankees to the Red Sox, although I still adore New York, upstate and down; with especial fondness for the countryside along the New York/Vermont border, and the Museum of Natural History in the city.

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